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We Only Get 18 Summers

create the perfect luxury family vacation

I admit it.  The ending to Toy Story 3 tears me up. Every. Single. Time.

It starts with the scene where Woody watches through a hole in the box as Andy says goodbye to his Mom, who has just walked into his room and is struck by how different it looks with all of his favorite things packed away for college, and it doesn't stop until the credits roll.

I know I'm not alone. The ending to this family favorite movie tugs at the heartstrings of every Mom out there.

We know it's going to happen. In fact, we WANT it to happen. We want to see the children we've so longingly raised to the brink of adulthood go off to college and start the next exciting chapter of their lives.

The problem is we still see them as the toddler who so defiantly declares "I do it myself" as they learn to dress themselves.

It's hard to realize that once they move all of their prized possessions into a dorm room somewhere, our family dynamics change forever.

Yes, they will always be "our baby," and they'll still be back home for breaks, summers and maybe even for a while after graduation, but we can't deny that from that point on, it will be different.

At the start of each school year, we see all the Moms posting on Facebook about dropping their babies off at college and those who have kids starting their junior and senior years in high school are realizing that all too soon, they will be in that place. It’s a bittersweet mix of sadness and excitement.

If college feels like it will be here before you know it and you wish you could slow down time, then there is no better time to create those memories that they will remember forever.  Make these last few months (or years!) before they fly the nest truly count. Families who travel together develop life long bonds that don’t easily happen any other way.

We only get 18 summers with our kids before they are wrapped up in college, jobs, friends and boyfriends/girlfriends.

Wouldn’t you love to make the last of the "childhood" summers unforgettable?

Planning a fantastic vacation for your family during the summer is a great way to do just that.

Look back at your childhood...aren't those vacation memories some of the most vivid and special?  (No matter where you went).  Getting out of our daily grind, focusing on spending time together and getting to unplug and relax with those we love the most is more than just a vacation.

It's an investment in your family.

It's memories they will carry with them long after you are gone. It's the things they laugh about and tell their children stories about for years to come.

Beyond that, giving your children the gift of travel, exposing them to different cultures and experiences is priceless!  They'll learn far more from those experiences than they will in any classroom!  Travel is proven to be a wonderful learning tool for kids. Seeing how people live in other countries can open their minds and hearts and expand their imagination exponentially.

Whether it is something as simple as meeting favorite childhood characters onboard a Disney cruise or as dramatic as climbing those final steps and having the sun gate at Machu Picchu come into view… well, those memories will be priceless for them, and for you.

“One day…we’re going to take the kids to Hawaii!”, “We really want to travel over to Europe, but we’re waiting until the kids are older”; “We really want to go out West and see the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, but our summers are just too busy”.

Do any of those statements sound familiar to you?  The average American family doesn’t think they spend enough time together.  Between school, work, sports, and extracurricular activities it’s no surprise that we are all feeling disconnected and burned out.  The best way to reconnect with your loved ones is to get away.  No distractions and no excuses: just you and your kids (or Grandkids) spending “quality time”, enjoying each other’s company and maybe even experiencing an unfamiliar culture together.  “Next Year, maybe” turns into the year after that...and so forth...until you “blink” and are sitting at their high school graduation wondering what the heck happened! Now’s the time to DO IT!  I have several vacations on my desk right now for families just like you, who are wanting to finally take their 16 and 21 year olds to Europe before they are “gone”…or who are celebrating a high school graduation this coming year with a trip to the Caribbean – the destination chosen by their son.  Remember…you only have 18 summers!

Summer and Graduation will approach quickly. Give your family the experience of a lifetime and let's create the perfect vacation. It all begins with scheduling a complimentary consultation.  Click here to request a time for us to talk.  We’ll discuss the details and what you are looking for.  I’ll give you my suggestions and explain how we can best work together to plan (and book) the vacation of your dreams.


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